Jan-Peter Siedlarek

About Me

I am a research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. My research interests span the economics of networks, financial intermediation, banking and financial stability. This is my personal website.

For the 2022/2023 academic year, I was on secondment to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in the Division of Financial Stability.

I completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Economics at the European University Institute. Before that, I worked as an economic consultant in the Antitrust and Competition Policy Group at NERA Economic Consulting.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or the Federal Reserve System or its staff.

Working Papers

“How Do Banks Respond to Capital Regulation? — The Impact of the Basel III Reforms in the United States” (with Nicholas Fritsch). Working Paper No. 22-11. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. April 2022. (link) (PDF)

Work in Progress

  • “Nonbank Lenders, Loan Sales, and Syndicated Lending”, with Vladimir L. Yankov
  • “Garicano Revisited – Hierarchies in Norwegian Firms”, with Hans Holter and Roberto Pinheiro


“Intermediation in Networks”, Economic Theory, 2024 (link)

  • Working Paper No 15-18. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. October 2015. (link) (PDF)

“Making Friends Meet: Network Formation with Introductions.”. International Journal of Game Theory, May 2023 (link)

  • Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper No 20-01. January 2020. (link) (PDF)

“The Impacts of Stricter Merger Legislation on Bank Mergers and Acquisitions: Too-Big-To-Fail and Competition” (with Elena Carletti, Steven Ongena and Giancarlo Spagnolo). Journal of Financial Intermediation 46, April 2021, 100859 (link)

  • Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper No 16-14R2, July 2019 (link) (PDF)

“Convergence of Cultural Traits with Time-Varying Self-Confidence in the Panebianco (2014) Model - A Corrigendum” (with Fabrizio Panebianco and Anja Prummer). Journal of Economic Theory 175, May 2018, e3-e13 (link)

  • Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Working Paper No 17-20, November 2017 (link) (PDF)

“Community Leaders and the Preservation of Cultural Traits” (with Anja Prummer). Journal of Economic Theory 168, March 2017, 143-176 (link)

  • Online appendix (PDF)
  • Working paper version (PDF)

Federal Reserve Publications

“The Evolution of US Bank Capital around the Implementation of Basel III” Economic Commentary 2024-07. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. March 2024. (link)

“Two Approaches to Predicting the Path of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Is One Better?” (with Ben R. Craig, Tom Phelan and Jared Steinberg). Economic Commentary 2021-10. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. April 2021. (link)

“Modeling Behavioral Responses to COVID-19” (with Ben R. Craig, Tom Phelan and Jared Steinberg). Economic Commentary 2021-05. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Mar 2021. (link)

“Improving Epidemic Modeling with Networks” (with Ben R. Craig, Tom Phelan and Jared Steinberg). Economic Commentary 2020-23. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. September 2020. (link)

“Asset Commonality in US Banks and Financial Stability” (with Nicholas Fritsch). Economic Commentary 2019-01. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. January 2019. (link)

“Merger Control in the Banking Sector”. Economic Commentary 2017-10. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. August 2017. (link)